The 4 plus and 4 minus of Internal Recruitment

2022-02-02T13:37:48+01:00Febbraio 10th, 2022|Consulenza Organizzativa, Contributi editoriali, Ricerca e Selezione|

The 4 plus and 4 minus of Internal Recruitment Hiring from inside your business makes sense because new hires are already part of your team and know your culture and policies well. But despite the benefits of internal recruitment, relying too much on promotions and lateral job moves might have negative side-effects. Here are some [...]

Expectations from a Recruiting Partner

2022-02-08T13:17:16+01:00Febbraio 2nd, 2022|Abstract, International, Ricerca e Selezione|

Expectations from a recruiting partner What makes the difference? What leads to effective and satisfying results? In a recent experience, the global Chief Sales Officer in an international technical group got in touch with us regarding their expansion program on the italian market. They needed to recruit and hire the New Sales Development Manager in [...]

Head Hunter

2016-12-30T15:49:40+01:00Dicembre 6th, 2016|Consulenza Organizzativa, Ricerca e Selezione|

L'evoluzione dell'Head Hunter Come è cambiata l’attività dell’Head Hunter? Un’intervista a Giovanna Combatti che racconta Buongiorno Giovanna, ti presenti? Mi occupo di Risorse Umane e di Ricerca e Selezione di personale qualificato di manager e specialisti da oltre 20 anni. Ho iniziato il percorso professionale nell’area commerciale export in un gruppo industriale [...]

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